Showing posts with label Balance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Balance. Show all posts

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Balance Life Between Responsibilities and Dreams to be Happy !!!


Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual. You….Me n Us…every day we are trying to fulfil our duties and responsibilities making choices which are best under the circumstances.

 Success can have a different meaning for You… Me n Us. Chasing the goals and achieving them, looking for financial security and ultimately leading a prosperous and secure life. But at what cost? Life is passing right before our eyes.

 Do we ever question ourselves as to what we wanted from life for ‘Us’?

Was it a professional success, recognition?? Yes, but at what cost?

After all the achievements and fulfilling our responsibilities… what next?  

Time to take a deep breath and focus on yourself and look back………

Almost all of us have tread on a path that our parents set for us believing it to be the best road to success and happiness.

‘You….Me n Us’ strived hard for the best grades. Then a hunt for a job with a good salary… working overtime for extra perks…..Leading a mechanical life depriving ourselves simple pleasures of life.

Life becomes an endless task always focusing on the future and overlooking our present. 

Every passing moment we are not growing younger. Maybe in our twilight years, we’ll have money and time but not energy nor health to do things in our ‘bucket list’.

When I look around I find many are living balancing their life between responsibilities and their dreams and I'm really very proud of them. His profile says, "Alive..not just surviving." 


He is fulfiling his responsibilities towards his family and living a life of his dreams.  He left his desk job to be a wedding photographer and a biker....."One day I might disappear in the mountains"

They are two of the few people I know who are following their passion and dreams. They are happy with their decision and they have the support of their families.

At what point of life will you decide to start living for yourself?

So before the time runs out (as it has for me) find a midway… a balance between responsibilities and your dreams.

‘Be an architect of your life plan…pick up a job which enriches you but the most important is to set aside some time to pursue your hobbies, play with kids and engage in activities which give you joy n happiness.

It’s a popular belief that we don’t get a second chance in life. But believe me, it’s not true. Life is always about the choices we make.  Set your priorities and decide as to what you want from life and then choose wisely and maintain a balance.

Don’t set a trap for yourself………..It’s better to die with memories than to live with unfulfilled dreams…

Pic courtesy Anuroop Bhargava  (My foster son, we lost him in 2016 in a road accident. He gave us fond memories to remember him with smiles. We miss you son)

Always remember “each of us is the architect of our happiness. Martin Seligman